Living On, Behind and Beyond the Edge

I knew I  was in trouble when nausea began to fill my thoughts. Usually when I am in some kind of trouble, my subconscious mind would dredge up a song specifically for this occasion and provide me with a soundtrack to help me deal, recognize a theme, create a mantra. But when the nausea remixed itself into that Lady Gaga song, “I’m on the edge… of nausea…”  became my Song for the Moment, I was doubly praying the drugs would kick in.

This morning I was delighted to hear Bruno Mars’ The Lazy Song. I could mention others, parodies created in my semi-conscious state that come into being when heavy duty drugs and me get together. Hallucinations visual, verbal and tactile, false memories and periods of lost time, even stuff I write that comes out like kloikrkk or fmmfgsm or [[[[///{{{h. I’m always disappointed that it isn’t something profound or prophetic. Perhaps some wisdom of the ages or channelling from Pleiadean elders. This would account for some of the expressions in my pics.

I have probably mentioned other side effects brought on by this stew, much of which is related to fine motor skills and lack of comprehension of even the simplest of things.

It might be the dry air in here but I also find my eyes get fatigued often and I have to rest after a few moments, leaving me open to the kind of gibberish mentioned above. Sometimes I see things moving in my peripheral vision. Most disturbing if not more intriguing are the episodes where I feel someone touching me– a hand on the shoulder, massaging my toes, poking my thigh. Very interesting, indeed.